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My country-my pride (2) Исполнитель

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written by Kozim

Being an Uzbek, a citizen of the heavenly country with a rich ancient history, hospitable   people and unforgettable natural     beauties gives me a great pride. The reason for this honour roots back to many facts that cannot be outlined with limited words. However, in the following paragraphs I will try to elaborate some of my motives that swell a sense of civic pride.   

The    history   of    Uzbekistan   is     very rich.  Over the   years,   Uzbekistan was    a superpower   and   put   great   emphasis on science and    education, being a home for many breakthroughs and civilizations.  The  most  eminent   scientists     such as   Abu  Ali  Ibn  Sino,  Abu  Rayhon   Beruniy, Al  Xorazmiy   were our ancestors.  As  well  as  this,  one  of  the  greatest  poets   in  the  world    Alisher  Navoi     whose    poems    had     great   influence    even  on   other    east  countries`  literature was also from  Uzbekistan.  Another example is  the   king  of   the  largest   and    most   baronial   country-Amir  Temur was   born in this holy land.  There  are    innumerable     ancient     places  that   serve    as  the   evidence   of  our   rich  history,  that  are  always   crowded   by  tourists.   This is one of the reasons why I am so proud of my homeland.  

With regard   to   present Uzbekistan, it     hasn’t been so far to achieve    its independence   that   didn`t   come   down    from  the  skies    as  a  gift. For  our  people,   the   independence,   won  over   the  during   scores  of  tests  and   difficulties,   is a  foundation   of  current     happy  days.       Although    Uzbekistan     was    considered   as    undeveloped    country    in   the   first years   of its  independence  but    it, however,   has started to   flourish     in  the   spheres of economy,  transportation  and  education  at high paces.  As  a  result   of    the     consistent     realization     of  the  Uzbek    Model  of    development,  worked  out  by     the  first  President  of  my    country- Islam  Karimov,   the   national   economy  has  grown    more  than  3.5  times. One typical    example   of   a great   development of my native land   is that     it      has begun   to    manufacture    high-tech products ranging from automobiles to consumer durables, diversifying its economy not to be dependent on only agriculture in particular, cotton cultivation within merely 20 years of independency.  As   well  as  this,   Uzbek    automobiles,  clothes  and   other   products    are   prevalent  in  the   world   trade.   The   developing    of    economy   in  the  country   cause   to   a  proportional      increase  of    locals’ living    standards .   It is  another  sign  of  a  great    potential   of   my  fatherland. 

       In a nutshell,   we  live  in   such    a wonderful   country  and therefore   we  should be grateful to  be  born     here   and   endeavor  to  bring   as  much   as  possible   benefit   to  this holy land.        

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