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Supercomputer, computer designed to perform calculations as fast as current technology allows and used to solve extremely complex problems. Supercomputers are used to design automobiles, aircraft, and spacecraft; to forecast the weather and global climate; to design new drugs and chemical compounds; and to make calculations that help scientists understand the properties of particles that make up atoms as well as the behavior and evolution of stars and galaxies. Supercomputers are also used extensively by the military for weapons and defense systems research, and for encrypting and decoding sensitive intelligence information.

CM-5 Supercomputer The Connection Machine CM-5 supercomputer is a massively parallel processing computer capable of many billions of arithmetic operations per second. The computer contains hundreds of processing units, similar to the central processing units (CPUs) in personal computers. The processing units are linked together in parallel so that multiple computations can be carried out simultaneously.

Deep Blue Deep Blue, the screen of which is seen here as the computer plays chess against Garry Kasparov in 1997, is an IBM supercomputer that uses scalable parallel processing to solve complex problems. Deep Blue uses 256 processors working together to calculate between 50 and 100 billion chess moves in under three minutes. Real world applications of computers like Deep Blue include forecasting the weather, drug and genetics research, designing clean-up plans for toxic waste, and powering web servers on the Internet.

Supercomputers are different than other types of computers in that they are designed to work on a single problem at a time, devoting all their resources to the solution of the problem. Other powerful computers such as mainframes and workstations are specifically designed so that they can work on numerous problems, and support numerous users, simultaneously. Because of their high cost—usually in the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars—supercomputers are shared resources. Supercomputers are so expensive that usually only large companies, universities, and government agencies and laboratories can afford them.


Climate – климат

Applications-  заявления

Processing – обработка

Include-   включите

Extremely- чрезвычайно

Encrypting- шифрофка

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