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Japan Исполнитель

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Form of government Constitutional monarchy Head of state                     Emperor

Head of government Prime minister

Japan is a par] iamentarydemocracy.Anemperor acts as functional head of state, although his official status under the constitution is the "symbol" of the Japanese nation and its people. In 2005 Japan's labor force totaled 66.6 million workers. The biggest employers were services (23.5 percent); manufacturing (22.3 percent); wholesale and retail trade (16.7 percent); construction (10.6 percent); agriculture, forestry, and fishing (7.1 percent); government (6.0 percent); transportation and communications (5.7 percent); finance, insurance, and real estate (4.6 percent); and utilities (0.7 percent).

Traditionally, Japan has had a low unemployment rate. It was 3.3 percent in 1996 and rose to a postwar high of 5.5 percent in late 2001. In 2005 men comprised 59 percent of the labor force and women, 41 percent. Government ownership of business enterprises is very low in Japan. Since the early 1980s, the government has steadily sold off the few big enterprises that it did own, such as Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT) and Japan National Railway (JNR). It still owns the major television network, Nippon H6s6 Ky6kai (NHK).In banking, the government plays a big role.

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