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Benjamin Franklin Исполнитель

Benjamin Franklin
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Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was an American printer, author, scientist, statesman and diplomat. He was born in Boston to a poor family. He learned to read at a very early age, probably taught by his father, who sent him to a grammar school. But the expense proved too great and at the age of ten Benjamin began to work for his father’s little soap and candle shop. Disliking this, he was apprenticed at the age of twelve to his brother James, a printer. Benjamin read whatever book he could lay his hands on, and till 1722 he was writing short essays of his own on various topics.

Constant reading made Franklin one of the most educated men of his time. In the 1750s he experimented on electricity and invented the lightning rod for the protection of buildings. Later Franklin was sent to Britain to defend the interests of the American Colonies before the British Parliament.

During the War of Independence he helped write the Declaration of Independence. That same year, 1776, he was sent to France, where he enlisted French help for the American Colonies and later negotiated peace with Britain in 1783. After the War of Independence, Franklin was chosen as a member of the convention to plan the Constitution of the United States in 1787. He wrote many political and satirical pamphlets defending the rights of all men, including the African-Americans and the Indians, and became the president of a society for the abolition of slavery.

As a writer, he is still famous for his “Poor Richard’s Almanac,” which appeared for about 25 years. The almanac was a combination calendar, miniature encyclopedia and moral counsellor. It noted the holidays, the tides and the dates of fairs and court sessions; it also contained jokes, poems, recipes and sayings.

Franklin’s sayings became known in Europe mainly through the edition for 1757, in which he collected many of the sayings that had appeared during the previous 25 years.

Here are some of his best known sayings:

— The noblest question in the world is, “What good may I do in it?”

— Wish not so much to live long as to live well.

— Lost time is never found again.

— To lengthen your life, lessen your meals.

— Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked and never well mended.

— A small leak will sink a great ship.

— Have you something to do tomorrow? Do it today.

— Wise men learn by other’s harms; fools scarcely by their own.

— Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

— God helps them that help themselves.

— Little strokes fell great oaks.

— He that falls in love with himself has no rivals.

— A penny saved is a penny earned.


Comprehension Questions

  1. How many jobs do you know that Benjamin Franklin held? What were they?
  2. Name at least three major works that Franklin wrote or helped write.
  3. What kinds of things can you find in an almanac?
  4. What did Benjamin Franklin invent?
  5. To what countries was he sent as a diplomat?

Discussion Questions

  1. If you had to choose one of Benjamin Franklin’s professions, what would you do? Why?
  2. Choose one of the sayings from “Poor Richard’s Almanac.” Explain it.
  3. Which of the sayings from “Poor Richard’s Almanac” is your favourite? Why? Is it only good for you, or does it apply to everyone?
  4. Do you think it is better to do one job or many jobs? Is it possible to do everything well? What are you best at doing?
  5. What things can you think of that resemble “Poor Richard’s Almanac”? Where would you get the same information if you needed it today?
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