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Amir Temur Исполнитель

Amir Temur
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Amir Temur

In the middle of the 14th century, a fight for independence against the Mongol Empire which ha begun in Huroson reached Movarounnahr. The main reason for the fate of the Mongol Empire was the Central Asian people’s fight for their freedom.

In this fight the great leader and military strategist Amir Temur made his contribution. He spent his whole life fighting against oppression, ending the battles between the Khans and Beks and establishing a strong centralized state. His name was known not only in Turon but all over the world. He became a famous statesman and great military leader of the Uzbek people.

Amir Temur was born on April 9, 1336, in the village of Hujailgor near Shahrisabz. His father was an authoritative rich man whose name was Amir Taragay. His mother Teguna was a noble woman. So he was well educated in his family. He was strong and handsome.

As his father was a rich man, he had many servants. When he was 12 years old he began to rule over them. He knew how to protect the property and how to oversee it. In his early years he was interested in state affairs and military activities. He spent much time in military training and getting a secular education.

When he was a young man, he took part in wars between various land owners. He was a courageous in Europe he was called Tamerlane. His knowledge of geography, medicine, history and astronomy always astonished scholars.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Tell about Amir Temur’s family and his birth.
  2. What was his strength?
  3. Who did he fight against for the independence of his land?
  4. By what name is Amir Temur known in Europe?
  5. What handicap did Temur have?

Discussion Questions

  1. How do you think Amir Temur’s childhood affected his later life?
  2. Tell about Amir Temur’s character. How would you like to be like him? How do you not want to be like him?
  3. Temur was lame in one leg. How do you think that affected his life? Do you know anyone with physical handicaps? How does it affect their life?
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