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A visit to Tashkent Исполнитель

A visit to tashkent.doc
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A visit to tashkent

Some days ago a friend of mine came to Tashkent for his holidays. He had never been to Tashkent before. Yesterday he came to see me and asked me to go sightseeing with him.

We took the Metro and went to the center of the city. I showed him the sights of our city and my friend was greatly pleased. After seeing the center of Tashkent I took my friend to the Museum of History. There we were shown not only the past of the city but the future too. We were surprised to find out that the architecture of Tashkent has been completely changed. It was very interesting for us to see a special exposition which was called “Tashkent in Future”. Many interesting and unexpected designs were exhibited there. Young architectors’ projects were especially differed by new original view on the Future of their native city. Special attention was paid to the serving of city ecology.


  1. Have ever been to Tashkent before?
  2. When did you go sightseeing with your friend?
  3. How did you get to the center of the city?

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