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The Republic of Uzbekistan Исполнитель

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The Republic of Uzbekistan

The sovereign democratic Republic of Uzbekistan was founded on 31 August 1991. On the second of March in 1992 Uzbekistan became an equal member of the United Nations Organization and was recognized by over 160 states of the world.

The country is situated in the central and north-western parts of Asia, in the basin of Amudarya and Syrdarya Rivers.  The total land mass from east to west is 1 425 km, and from north to south, 930 km. Uzbekistan borders with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Total length of its borders is 6221 km. The Republic covers an area of 447 400 sq. km.

The climate is typically continental, characterized by a significant difference in day and night temperatures, and summer and winter temperatures.

The Republic of Uzbekistan consists of 12 regions and the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan. The state language is Uzbek. The state currency is Soum, one soum equals to 100 tiyins.

The population exceeds 24 million. People of 100 different nationalities and ethnic groups make up population of the country, the largest ones being Uzbek, Russian, Tajik, Kazakh and Tatars. The average density of population is 52.4 people per sq. km.

The capital of Uzbekistan is Tashkent with over 2 million people. Other large cities are Samarqand, Andijan, Namangan, Bukhara, Nukus, Fergana.

The country‘s national holiday is Independent Day celebrated on the 1st of September. According to the Constitution adopted in 1992, the President is the head of the state, elected generally and directly by secret ballot. His term of the office is 7 years, with the right to be re-elected.

The agricultural sector is the basic part of the national economy. Over 60% of the population live in rural areas and 44% of the working population are involved in farming activities.

Uzbekistan is one of the major producers of cotton fibre. Silk worm cocoons, leather and karakul industries are highly developed in the Republic. Wheat and rice are grown in the country, but it is mostly famous for its fruit and vegetable production, grapes and melons are especially notable. Uzbekistan is reach in natural resources and has great economic potential.

Answer the questions.

  1. When was the sovereign democratic republic of Uzbekistan founded?
  2. When did Uzbekistan become an equal member of the United Nations Organization.
  3. Where is Uzbekistan situated?
  4. What is the climate of Uzbekistan?
  5. How many regions are there in Uzbek Republic?
  6. What is the state Language?
  7. What is the state currency of Uzbekistan?
  8. When is the independent Day celebrated?
  9. Who is the Head of the State?
  10. What is the basic part of the national economy?
  11. What is the population of Uzbekistan?
  12. What are the developed industries in the Republic of Uzbekistan?

Match the words from the text with the meanings in the right hand column.

Equal Physics degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume
land fairly correct, near to the actual
Length Reviling weather conditions of an area.
Climate the same in quantity, quality, size, degree, level
Density solid part of the earth's surface
Approximately Measurement or extent from end to end.


  founded Tashkil top
  Equal Teng xuquqli
  to be situated Joylashmoq
  total land mass Umumiy yer hajmi
  Length Uzunlik
  Climate Iqlim
  Consists Tashkil etadi
  Density Gavjumlik; zichlik
  According Ko’ra, muvofiq
  Approximately Tahminan
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