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Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Исполнитель

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 Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The new Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted on December 8, 1992.

There are 6 parts, 26 Chapters and 128 Articles in the Constitution. Part 1 is devoted to fundamental principles, Part 2 – to basic human and civil rights, freedoms and duties, Part 3 – to society and the individual, Parts 4 - to administrative and territorial structures and the state system, Part 5 – to organization of state authority and Part 6 – to the procedure of amending the Constitution.

Article 1 of the Constitution says that Uzbekistan is a sovereign democratic republic. The Constitution sets the task of creating a human and democratic rule of law.

All citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan regardless of their nationality constitute the people of Uzbekistan. All citizens of Uzbekistan have equal rights in the political, economic and cultural fields.

The right to work and the right to choose their occupation are guaranteed to all citizens by Article 37.

All citizens have the right to aid rest (Article 38) and the right to social security (Article 39).  This Article guarantees pensions for people who are ill and unable to work. One of the very important rights – the right to education is guaranteed to all citizens by the Article 41. The state guarantees free secondary education. Students of technical schools, institutes and universities receive scholarships.

While guaranteeing all these rights the Constitution at the same time imposes serious duties on the citizens, such as the duty to observe the Constitution and laws, to work, to protect the environment, to pay taxes established by law and to defend their country.

Answer the questions:

  1. When was the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted?
  2. What task does the Constitution set?
  3. What is the structure of the Constitution?
  4. What rights are guaranteed to the citizens of Uzbekistan by the Constitution?
  5. What are the duties of the citizens of Uzbekistan?

Match the words from the text with the meanings in the right hand column.

Society Academic achievement, esp. of a high level
Civil piece of work to be done
Authority Without paying attention.
Task organized and interdependent community
Regardless of or belonging to citizens
Scholarships power or right to enforce obedience


  was adopted Qabul qilingan
  Devoted Bag‘ishlangan
  Rights Huquqlar
  Society Jamiyat
  Civil Fuqarolik
  state authority Davlat hokimyati
  Amending Tog‘irlamoq
  Task Vazifa
  Regardless Qaramasdan, qat’i nazar
  Scholarships Stipendiya

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