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Tests for 8th forms Исполнитель

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Tests for 8th forms

1.Choose the appropriate answer.

Yesterday the temperature was seven degrees.

Today it is only four degrees. So, it`s … than it was yesterday.

A)cold       B)hot      C)colder          D)hotter

2. Choose the appropriate answer.

Unfortunately his illness was… than we thought at first.

A)serious   B)more serious   C)serious   D)better

3. Choose the appropriate answer.

This bag is… than the other one.

A)more difficult  B)more serious   C)harder   D)heavier

4. Choose the appropriate answer.

I’m fed up with waiting. I’m not waiting any…

A) further       B)far      C)longer      D)long

5. Choose the appropriate answer.

My son is twenty years…than me.

A)younger         B)old          C)young            D)older      

6.Put the verbs into the appropriate form.

It is the first time he… his passport.

A)has lost B)have lost  C)had loose  D)lost

7. … you…by heart this poem yet?

A) Have/learned    B) had/ learn    C) Have/learn  D) Has/learn

8)  They…. already…. this article.

A) are/translate.   B) Have/ translated  C) has/translate  D) had/translate.

9) She… not…her English homework yet.

A) had/do,  B) has/done   C) have/do  D) had/done.

10)Change into the passive.

This classroom….    …. Every day.

 A) is/cleaned  B) is /clean   C) was/cleaned  D)

11)   Choose the appropriate answer.

My mother …at home now. She … outside.

  1. is/is B) is not/is not  C) is not /is D)is/are not.

12) Choose the appropriate answer

The sun… . It…. .

  1. isn’t shining / is rained  B) is shining/ aren’t rained

C) is shining/ isn’t raining  D) is shining/am n’t raining

13) Choose the appropriate answer                           

I am feeling tired……..

A) So I am or I am too.  B)  so am I or I am either

C) so am I or I am too.  D)  so I am or I am neither.

14)Choose the appropriate answer                            

I went to disco club yesterday…….

A) Didn’t you? So did we. B) Did you? So did we

C) Didn’t you? Neither did we. D) Did you? So did we

15) Choose the appropriate answer.

I got up early today.  …..

A) So I did or I did too.  B)  So did I or I did too. C) So did I or I did neither.  D) So did I or I did too. 

16 Answer the questions.

A) How many hours of sunshine a day do we have in Uzbekiistan?

17. Translate this sentence.

“Mother’s Portrait” wasnot painted by Robert Holmes.

18. make up question.

 Washed/ streets /how often/are  /in Singapore.?

19. kind of /are/what/forests/ in Tasmania/there?

20  pink flamingoes/why/pink/in nature/are?
















15 -D  

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