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It is important for children to learn the different between right and wrong at an early age Исполнитель

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It is important for children to learn the different between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this option?
What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

Nowadays,    bringing  up  children   and    a  range  of   ways     to  teach  them   distinguish  bad  and  good  is  a  hot  topic. Some  people  are  concerned   that   to  discipline  kids  for   their     unacceptable     behavior,   correctional  activities  are   vital.  Others,  however,  maintain  that   excluding   punishment,  there  are   numerous   alternatives   to  use. I   agree  up  to  a  point   and  in  the   following   paragraphs  it   would  be   addressed  in  detail   to  this  issue.

On  the  one    hand,  down  the    centuries,   punishments   have  been    crucial  to   fix     not  only  kids`   but   in  general,   the   human     behavior   in  a   right   way.  If  a pupil  at lesson, for  instance,   makes noise   and   inhibits  others  to   comprehend   the teacher,   detention   would   be  the   best  solution  in  this   case. Moreover,  if    a kid    dirties  the  room  or   furniture,    parents     should   make  him  or  her  to  clean  it .  After  that,  a child   appreciates the work  that  is  involved  to   keep   rooms immaculate.  These   sorts  of  little   punishments  are   critical  in  rising  children   from  an  early  age.

On  the  other   hand,   except   for     punishment,    parents   and   teachers   can, on  the   contrary,    encourage,  motivate  or   explain    children    what   they  do  wrong. One  typical   example  of  it  is  that  if   a kid  breaks   plant  or   flower,  parents    can     encourage  them  to   garden   other   ones.  By this   way,  they     vary   their   children`s     view   about   environment  and   a child   would    care  more   about nature   that   surrounds     him  or  her.

 Taking   into  account   both  sides  of  this  issue,   I  am    inclined   to   believe  that    parents   must   bring  up  their   children   with   more  care,   avoiding    punishments  as   much   as  possible      and   putting  emphasize  on       other  helpful   methods.  

This essay was written by Kozim. 

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