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The proportions of world oil reservations and their consumptions Исполнитель

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The chart below shows the proportions of the world’s oil resources held in different areas, together with the proportions consumed annually in the same areas.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


proprtion oil.png

The two bar charts provide information about the proportions of world oil reservations and their consumptions by the regions annually.

More than half of the world oil resources (56, 52 %) are in Middle East, nearly 9 times more than that of each Central and South America, Eastern Europe and Africa. With its rough 15 % share, Canada comes to next. The remaining part of the world including Asia, the USA, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand only owns just over 7 % of world oil reservations.

However, in terms of consumption, Asia and United States dominate in the world by sharing over 50 % of oil usage and followed by Western Europe with the proportion of just under 20 %. Even Middle East countries have vast proportion of oil resources; they only consume annually about 6 % of world oil usage, similar to that of Central and South America’s and Eastern Europa’s yearly consumption. This is not exception for Canada too, as this country uses only 2, 48 % of global oil consumption shares.

Overall, world leaders in oil reservations spend relatively less oil resources for their needs compared with the countries having less and consuming more oil resources.   

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