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Tell me about your hobby Исполнитель

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Sample answer written by Sarvar

The point I would like to begin with is that my hobby is running. I began running 5 years ago. I like my hobby because this hobby is wonderful and popular. Furthermore, it is my honour to go to the Olympic Games and world competitions on running. In a nutshell, I enjoy my hobby.

Sample answer written by Shakhboz

Well, the point I would like to begin is that  my hobbies are not only as hobbies but these are the part of my life.

Actually, I addict to music and I cannot imagine living without music. As well as this, I could say that I love the music and I can idle away playing the guitar and writing the texts for songs for hours, and it doesn't disturb me. I shouldn't forget to mention that the rap isn't only a music genre, but and it's the way of expressing emotions and style of life.


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