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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Speaking » Which kind of dictionaries do you prefer to use? Do you use dictionary?
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Which kind of dictionaries do you prefer to use? Do you use dictionary? Исполнитель

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Do you use dictionary?

I’ve got to say yes. As a learner of English as a second language, a dictionary is

something that you can’t live without. It’s a must-have item if people want to

enhance their English proficiency.

Which kind of dictionaries do you prefer to use?

Personally speaking, I make use of both monolingual and bilingual

dictionaries. Oxford dictionary is often my first choice as it tops others in its

provision of a wealth of entries with accuracy. However, when I can’t get the

hang of a word’s meaning, I’d go for an English - [your language] dictionary

since everything would clear up if I grasp the meaning in my mother tongue.

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