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An interesting country(not your own) Исполнитель

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An interesting country(not your own)

You should say:

Which the country is

How you know the country

What you know about the country

And explain why you think the country is interesting


I'd like to talk about Kiribati, an island county in the Pacific. I read about

Kiribati, accidentally, in a geography book. It is interesting because of its

unique geographic features and special culture.

Kiribati, consisting of three widely separated main groups of southwest

Pacific islands, is the only country in the world in all four hemispheres.

Besides, based on a 1995 realignment of the International Date Line, Kiribati

is now the easternmost country in the world, and the Line Islands of it are the

first area to enter into a new year. What an interesting experience it will be to

welcome a new year there, to which I am looking forward.

Kiribati is an ideal place for fishing-lovers, for the waters there are open

for international anglers to try their hand. Moreover, the culture and lifestyle

people keep are also attractions to visitors. It is said the way of living there is very simple and people plan their living for only one day with no worry about

their future. "Tomorrow is another day" is the living motto for them. I expect to

spend some time there to experience the particular life there.


I'd like to talk about Thailand, a famous tourist destination country, where

there are various interesting festivals. There are many things to see and do


Thailand is home to elephant, and nicknamed a country of elephant. The

Elephant Festival is held there annually on the third weekend of November in

Surin. A parade of over 250 elephants is organized, followed by performances

of people interacting with elephants. Elephants are arranged to start on the

beginning line, like professional runners, and they will rush forward to pick up

match-box, bananas, dolls, etc. The most exciting will be playing tag, in which

an elephant weighing over 8000 pounds will complete against a team of 60

vigorous young men. There is no exception that the elephant is the winner,

even another 40 men are added to the team. The elephant is clumsy, so it's

hard to imagine that they can play and interact so well with people. Besides

that, the scenery there is attracting because of its year-round warm climate.

The man-made temples and palaces are treasure of its culture. Thailand's

primary religion is Buddhism, which is practiced by around 95% of the

population. That's why loads of temple are available, and the Buddhist monks

there is said to be the most respected and wealthy around the world.

Therefore, I look forward to making a trip to Thailand.


I long for going to Italy for a visit. Italy is a special and interesting country.

I got to know the country while studying the world geography in middle school.

Italy is impressive, for my teacher said it looks like a boot. Later, I learned

more about its history and an article about Venice, City of Water, made me

fall in love with the country.

I think Italy is interesting for some special phenomena. For example, it’s

said it’s impossible to take a taxi in Italy without making reservation. My

friend paid a visit to Italy years ago and he told me about that, which sounds

incredible to me. In China, taxi drivers drive around the city to pick up

passers-by who waited on the roadside. I therefore searched online to find

out the fact. In Italy, taxi drivers registered in taxi companies which manage

all the taxis. When a passenger calls up a company and leaves his

information, a worker will contact a driver whose car is vacant and near to the

passenger on radio. The driver then will rush to the passenger, but the

passenger will pay a bit more fare, as it’ll arrive with a few euros already on

the meter. It’s because, in Italy, drivers start the meter from the moment they

get the call, no matter where they arc. Taxi drivers actually cooperate with

those companies, and pay monthly fee to their service- providing information.

Drivers use their own taxis and are in charge of the insurance, maintenance as well as gas cost. However, the government offers some allowance, which

accounts for twenty percent of their monthly cost. Of course, there are

unregistered taxis, which are notorious for not playing by the rules. In most

cases, a passenger will be over charged. However, whether he’s registered or

not, to run a taxi, a driver needs to get a Driver Accreditation from the Taxi

Services Commission. Drivers are permitted to take passengers during the

time arranged in the certificate.

The taxi service system in Italy is so different from that in China. I think it’

s beneficial, for the operation can save drivers much time looking for

passengers on roadside.

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