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Describe a dish that you know how to make. Исполнитель

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Describe a dish that you know how to make.

You should say:


  • if it is difficult to prepare
  • how much time it takes to be prepared
  • what the ingredients are
  • and explain how it is prepared.                                                                                                          

    Well, I'd like to talk ahout how to make my favourite food. It's called 'Joojejch Kabab', In

    English, 'Barbecued Chicken Kebab'; served both on formal and casual occasions. Although

    it's seems to be easy to prepare. it really needs skill. You know, cooking from a recipe is

    always easy, but the food is hardly ever enjoyable! If everything is prepared, it doesn't take too

    much; only a few minutes. As we all know, a good meal shouldn't be hurried. Anyway, in

    order to prepare the food, you need some chicken; it depends on the number of your guests or

    family members ... er ... your favourite sauce, salt and any spice you like. First, put charcoal in

    the barbecue and light it. Then cut up some chicken. Marinate the pieces for a couple of hours

    in your favourite barbecue sauce. Next, put the pieces and chops on the skewers. After that put

    them on the barbecue and hlfll them over from time to time until it's gold and crispy. Finally,

    take the chicken kebabs off the barbecue. It's usually served with barbecued tomatoes and

    eaten either with rice or with bread. It's so delicious. You' ll love it!

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