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A happy person who you know Исполнитель

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A happy person who you know

-         Who the person is

-         How you know this person

-         What things do you do together

-         Why you think this person is happy


So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of who the person is and the one I’d pick is my close friend-Feruza. In fact, she is always cheerful and happy. Going on to my next point which is how I know this person and what I would like to add here is that we have been friends since we attended to English tutor together. Drawing attention to the matter of what things do we do together and I would like to explain that in fact, when we have English lessons, then we do our home task together before going to the tutorial. As a final point, if time permits I would like to bring in the point of why I think this person is happy is probably because, he is very positive thinker no matter his situation is. 

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