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IELTS High Score Vocabulary List by Dickeson Timothy Исполнитель

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Dickeson Timothy. IELTS High Score Vocabulary List

If you’re someone who is about to take the IELTS exam, then you’re about to discover how to dramatically increase your score!IELTS High Score Vocabulary List (2013) – gives you a specially selected list of vocabulary words which will dramatically increase your score, and includes:

- A list of words that, you’ll want to learn because they are fundamental to your success
- Discover the right words to learn; don’t waste your time on unnecessary words
- Synonyms and antonyms for easy understanding
- Full and clear descriptions, specific for non-native English speakers like YOU

So, if you’re serious about not only passing the IELTS but you must achieve a high score…whether it’s for visa, study or work purposes, then you need to get this list right now!

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