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ACTIVE Skills for Reading Intro by Neil J Anderson Исполнитель

CD 1 (1).zip
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Reading skills Intro_Audio.zip
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ACTIVE Skills for Reading Intro by Neil J Anderson

Heinle ELT, 3rd Edition, 176 Pages, 2013

active intro

ACTIVE Skills for Reading is an exciting five-level reading series that develops learners' reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Written by reading specialist Neil J. Anderson, the new edition of this best-selling series uses an ACTIVE approach to help learners become more confident, independent—and active-readers. ACTIVE Reading A = Activate Prior Knowledge C = Cultivate Vocabulary T = Think About Meaning I = Increase Reading Fluency V = Verify Strategies E = Evaluate Progress

 New thematic readings feature realistic passage types including articles, journals, blogs, and interviews.

New Critical Thinking sections encourage students to analyze text and the author’s intent.
New Review Units help students improve reading rate and fluency.
Updated website includes online quizzes and Internet research activities.
Updated Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView Pro covers TOEFL and IELTS task types.


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