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Key words for fluency by George Woolard Pre-Intermediate Исполнитель

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Key words for fluency by George Woolard

Pre-Intermediate collocation practice

Learning and practising the most useful words of English

2 ky

Издатель: Thomson ELT-2005, стр.202 ISBN: 0-7593-9629-9
KEY WORDS FOR FLUENCY is a new series of collocation practice books. Fluency does not depend on knowing many thousands of difficult words. It depends on being able to do a lot with your basic vocabulary. Fluency in reading, writing and speaking depends on knowing thousands of collocations. Listening also depends on recognizing collocations. KEY WORDS FOR FLUENCY is the first self-study to recognize this.
Vocabulary teaching integrated with grammar
Common expressions
All words taught in context
Notes on each word
Full answer key
For class and for self-study
Invaluable for examination preparation: Cambridge FCE, CAE, Proficiency and IELTS

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