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IELTS Special Journal N1 2O19 from the masters of IELTS Исполнитель

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IELTS Special Journal N1 2O19 from the masters of IELTS

ZIM Academic English School, 2019. — 42 p.


IELTS Special Journal is the brainchild of a team of ZIM English professionals and is released monthly exclusively by ZIM English. It is designed to help learners get a closer look at Speaking and Writing skills as well as provide many options for dealing with specific exam questions.


The main content of the book includes:
Practice exam IELTS Speaking and Writing (paper-based test) in the month
Analyzing the problem and making an outline
Analyzing vocabulary 
Suggest related ideas


Although a part of the journal is Vietnamese, the English part provides topics/questions, sample answers, vocabulary used in the sample and assessment.

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