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Expert IELTS 5 by Elaine Boyd Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 33
  • Размер: 15.41 Mb

  • Скачано: 64
  • Размер: 116.93 Mb

Expert IELTS 5 by Elaine Boyd


Elaine Boyd. — Pearson Education, 2017. — 224 p. — ISBN-10 1292125195; ISBN-13 978-1292125190.


Expert IELTS trains students in all parts of the IELTS test, improving their scores and building language proficiency. It helps students stay focused to get the IELTS band score they need to achieve their goals, whether it's to get a better job, get on to a university course or for visa requirements. Ten topic-based modules, divided into test training and test practice, boost students' confidence and help them get the band score they need quickly and efficiently.

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