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Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 2 with cd Исполнитель

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Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 2

Aims of the book
— to prepare you for the test by familiarising you with the types of texts and tasks that you will meet in the IELTS test, and the level and style of language used in the test.
— to help you prepare for your studies at university or college by introducing you to the types of communication tasks which you are likely to meet in English speaking study environment.


Content of the book
The book contains four complete sample IELTS tests, each comprising Listening and Speaking modules and Academic Reading and Writing modules.
In addition there is one set of the General Training Reading and Writing modules. (NB all candidates do the same Listening and Speaking modules. )
To accompany the tests there is an answer key at the back of the book and you should refer to this after you have attempted each of the practice tests. Also included is an annotated copy of the listening tapescripts with the appropriate sections highlighted to help you to check your answers. In addition, you will find one model answer for each type of writing task to guide you with your writing.

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