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How to Master the IELTS: Over 400 Questions for All Parts of the IELTS by Tyreman Chris Исполнитель

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How to Master the IELTS: Over 400 Questions for All Parts of the IELTS by Tyreman Chris

London, KoganPage, Chris Tyreman, 2012. – 240 p.
How to Master the IELTS is the ultimate study companion for your journey into international education and employment. With four Academic tests and two General Training tests, this comprehensive practice tool provides important revision for every aspect of the exam. It includes MP3 files for the listening test; multiple choice questions; speaking exercises; flow chart and diagram tests; word recognition exercises; writing tasks; reading comprehension passages as well as full answers and explanations.
Also including two appendices to aid learning and help develop your vocabulary, this straightforward guide is the only resource you'll need to practice and pass the IELTS.

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