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Essential readings for the ielts by Mohammad Ali Salmani-Nodoushan Исполнитель

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Essential readings for the ielts

by Mohammad Ali Salmani-Nodoushan

Essential readings for the IELTS is designed for adults who are interested in strengthening their reading skills for academic, personal, or career purposes. The book can be used for a variety of purposes. First, it is suitable for EFL learners in undergraduate classes of reading comprehension at university level. Second, the book can be used by undergraduate EFL students who want to expand their reading skills. In addition, the book can be used for coaching purposes; since the design of the book follows the design of the general training reading module of the IELTS test, the book can also be used for coaching.
All the texts in this book emphasize reading practice as well as reading speed. The passages were taken from magazines, journals, encyclopedias, leaflets, books, and newspapers. At least one text in each unit contains detailed logical argument. Moreover, the reading passages are representative of current non-fiction, magazine or newspaper writing. They cover a wide range of subject matter in order to expose the reader to various content demands of general reading materials. Attempts were made to select the readings with great care so that almost no adaptations (simplifying structures and vocabulary, and glossing) would be needed.

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