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1000 English Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day by Oliveira Shayna Исполнитель

Collocations in 10 Minutes
  • Скачано: 72
  • Размер: 1.37 Mb


1000 English Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day

by Oliveira Shayna

In these 50 lessons, you're going to learn 1000+ collocations that will expand your vocabulary and help your English sound more natural.
Collocations are the typical or common combinations of words we use together.
When you make mistakes with collocations, the other person will usually understand you - but your English won't sound "natural" - because it's different from the way a native speaker would say it. Although it's possible to communicate successfully with incorrect collocations, using collocations correctly can help you speak more fluently.
I suggest completing one lesson in this book per day, but of course you can study at your own pace. Always do the quiz after each lesson, this is essential to review and practice what you've learned! The answers are at the end of the book.

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