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How to write at a 9 level. IELTS task 2 by Higgins R.T Исполнитель

How To Write At A  9  Level
  • Скачано: 46
  • Размер: 41.13 Mb


How to write at a 9 level

IELTS task 2 

by Higgins R.T

London, Ryan, 2010, 37 p
This book has been written to provide the IELTS student with a brief summary outlining
how to write an effective essay in the Task 2 portion of the IELTS exam. It is hoped that
this eBook acts as a supplement to the student’s repertoire of IELTS writing resources and not
the student’s sole source of guidance for their studies in essay writing. Although valuable,
reading up on the subject of IELTS essay writing alone will not ascertain success on the Task
2 portion of the IELTS exam. Students should be actively practicing their essay writing
skills on a regular basis with direct instruction from an IELTS instructor.

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