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Preparation and Practice Reading and Writing ACADEMIC MODULE by Wendy Sahanaya ,Jeremy Lindeck and Richard Stewart Исполнитель

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Preparation and Practice Reading and Writing


by Wendy Sahanaya ,Jeremy Lindeck and  Richard Stewart

Oxford University Press, 2006. — 178 p. — ISBN: 0-19-554093-X; 978-0-19-554093-2.


- The series is a complete training course for students intending to sit the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). 
- It reflects the format of the test and develops the necessary skills for each module. The series offers separate titles for the Academic Modules and the General Modules. 
- Practice tests are provided, together with step-by-step descriptions and models of how to answer test questions. 
- Includes useful tips. 
- Answer Key and transcripts of all listening tasks. 
- The contributing authors are accredited IELTS examiners. 
- The material is suitable for use in class and for self-study.

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