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IELTS Writing Answer Key (Maximiser) Memarzadeh Alireza Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 270
  • Размер: 55.69 Mb


IELTS Writing Answer Key (Maximiser)

Memarzadeh Alireza

    IELTS Writing Answer Key (MAXIMISER) is a must-read source designed to meet the needs of candidates preparing to take the IELTS test. It offers a full range of classified writing samples found in the actual exam.

 Key features of the book:

provides 360 classified and standard writing samples (AC) & (GT) with model answers; helping candidates to target the IELTS writing tasks effectively
contains 90 supplementary exercises (AC) & (GT) for further practice 
features 'Useful language' for the IELTS Writing Test
designed to be suitable for all IELTS candidates
is ideal for independent study or class use

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