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100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid Исполнитель

100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid
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100 writing mistakes bookOne of the fastest ways to improve your writing skills is to free yourself from the most common English mistakes: things like exchanging less with fewer, misspelling its as it’s, or placing commas where they are not supposed to be.

Thinking about this, a couple of months ago I had an idea: what if we could write an ebook with a compilation of the 100 most common writing mistakes of the English language? An ebook containing spelling, grammar, usage and punctuation mistakes, which would work as a quick guide for writers in a hurry who want to avoid such mistakes.


I asked Maeve (our editor) what she thought about the idea, and whether or not she would be interested in writing such an ebook. She liked it and started working on the manuscript immediately. After many rounds of revisions and formatting, we are finally glad to announce that our first ebook is available! The title is: “100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid: A practical guide to 100 common mistakes of spelling, usage, grammar, and punctuation.”

What Is Inside The eBook

The ebook has 45 pages and four main sections: Spelling, Grammar, Usage and Punctuation Mistakes. Each mistake comes with correct/incorrect examples, as well as with a brief explanation. 

About The Author

Born in Chicago, Maeve has lived, studied, and taught English in the United States, France, and the U.K. Her educational qualifications include a B.A. (Hons) in English from the University of London, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. She is also a published author of both fiction and non-fiction.

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