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KEY - VOCABULARY FILES C1-Advanced Исполнитель

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Words in Action (page 3) Exercise A adventure – bravery – chivalry – boldness – daring/ dare – fearlesness – intrepidness – courage – audacity – gallantry - valour Exercise B 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 a 5 c Vocabulary Development Task One (page 4) 1 like 2 discomfort and suffering 3 dislike 4 unfriendly 5 confident 6 eminent 7 in case it rains 8 a fight between small parts of armies 9 interesting 10 disobeys 11 fascinates 12 whatever obstracts and delays you 13 relaxed 14 clever 15 unable to read Task Two (page 4) significance -cordiality – indecency – obscurity – piety – illiteracy – hostility – wisdom – versatility – flexibility – tolerance – defiance Task Three (page 5) A deceased B locate C luxurious D imminent E ingenious F captured G rein H comment Task Four (page 5) A anonymous - disreputable - obscure - renewed – imminent B overcast – cordial – affable - friendly – amiable - courteous

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